If you have landed here, it means you have received a technical interview invite from our team.
The email contains a special Google Calendar link that will display the available interview slots. Make sure to scroll through the dates on Google Calendar mentioned in the email. If you’re unable to view the page, verify if you are logged in through a Google/Gmail account.
Once you have picked a time of your choice, you will receive the call link and other details through a Google Calendar Invite. Please do not share these details with anyone.
Technical Requirement
- This is going to be an online interview over Zoom.
- You must use Zoom from the desktop. Zoom can be downloaded from here.
- Please use good quality headphones for decent audio.
- You need to keep the camera ON all the time during the interview. You don’t need to clean up your background for the interview. We won’t judge you based on the ambiance you have at home.
- It’s better to keep a backup internet line handy. Something like a data network from another cellular provider can help.
Interview Tips
- Questions: This is technical interview where anything can be discussed related to web development, computer security, operating system, data structure software architecture, system design principle. You are not expected to answer every question so don’t worry if you miss a few.
- Duration: Interview duration is generally from 15 to 30 mins. The short interview doesn’t necessarily mean you did badly. So better to answer questions to the point so you will get more questions and therefore more opportunities to present your knowledge.
Virtual Interview Flow
We use Zoom’s breakout room feature so in a single call you will be able to move between “virtual” rooms as depicted in the following diagram.