Shortcode API

The Shortcode API is basically made up of the add_shortcode() function. It’s important to note that functions attached to shortcodes should always return output, not echo. If you’d like to output HTML in a shortcode by escaping from PHP or using echo / print, start with ob_start(); and end with return ob_get_clean();

A shortcode can be executed from PHP using the do_shortcode() function.

Here’s an example plugin. The first function creates the shortcode, and then the second function replaces all front-end responses with shortcode’s content:

 * Plugin Name: Make Everything a Kitten
 * Plugin Description: Add a <code>[kitten]</code> shortcode, then replace everything on the site with its content. Optional parameters are <code>width</code> and <code>height</code>. e.g., <code>[kitten width="1200" height="1200"]</code>.

 * Register the shortcode [kitten] 
 * with optional attributes "width" and "height".
	function ( $a ) {
		// Combine default attributes with inputted attributes.
		// e.g., [kitten width="1200" height="1200"]
		$a = shortcode_atts(
				'width' => 500,
				'height' => 500,
		<img src="<?php echo esc_attr( $a['width'] ); ?>/<?php echo esc_attr( $a['height'] ); ?>" />
		return ob_get_clean();

 * Replace the entire front-end site with a kitten.
		echo do_shortcode( '[kitten]' );