Minimum Requirements:
Open your terminal and go to your plugin/theme’s root directory
cd wordpress/wp-content/plugins/<your-plugin>/
Run the wp scaffold command:
wp scaffold plugin-tests <plugin-name>
This should create 2 directories and 1 file
Run bin/
You need to provide the following arguments for it to run:
There is some issue when using zsh shell with the LocalWP, the best way is to execute the below script with the shell you are using.
For bash shell:
bash ./bin/ <db-name> <db-user> <db-pass> [db-host] [wp-version]
For zsh shell:
zsh ./bin/ <db-name> <db-user> <db-pass> [db-host] [wp-version]
<db-name> - Name of the test database you created.
<db-user> - User of the database.
<db-pass> - Password of the Database user.
[db-host] - Host of the database (Usually localhost).
[wp-version] - WordPress version to download to run the tests.
This will create a test database and create a new WordPress installation in /tmp
If your WP-CLI verison is same or higher than 2.10.0, you can directly go to the step 3.
Run the following command, to get the WP CLI version.
wp --version
Note: For Local by Flywheel, you need to edit ./install-wp-test.php to make it work with WPLocal’s DB, basically adding full –user & –password parameters to make it compatible with the WPLocal site shell.
Make the following changes
Change 1:
In recreate_db() function
Replace with
mysqladmin drop $DB_NAME -f --user="$DB_USER" --password="$DB_PASS"$EXTRA
Change 2:
In create_db() function
Replace with
mysqladmin create $DB_NAME --user="$DB_USER" --password="$DB_PASS"$EXTRA
Change 3:
In install_db() function
Replace with
mysql --user="$DB_USER" --password="$DB_PASS"$EXTRA --execute='show databases;' | grep ^$DB_NAMES
Install phpunit
as project dependencies:
composer require --dev phpunit/phpunit
The latest version of the PHPUnit will installed, which may not work properly. Go through this chart, and update the PHPUnit version in the composer.json file
Install Yoast PHPUnit polyfills:
composer require --dev yoast/phpunit-polyfills:"^2.0"
Comment out the excluded test from the phpunit.xml.dist file.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<env name="WP_TESTS_PHPUNIT_POLYFILLS_PATH" value="vendor/yoast/phpunit-polyfills" />
<testsuite name="testing">
<directory prefix="test-" suffix=".php">./tests/</directory>
<!-- <exclude>./tests/test-sample.php</exclude> -->
Run in plugin root: